Tag: Home Safety

Posted on 08/11/2024
A Beginner's Guide to Household Fire Safety
Keeping your home safe doesn't have to be complicated. By practicing good habits and establishing best practices with everyone in your household, you can prepare for--and prevent--major issues. Fire safety is a particular concern that can be accomplished by remembering a few simple tips. Here are the basics of household fire safety: Maintain & Test Your Smoke Detectors...
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Posted on 07/21/2024
Signs of a gas leak in your home
Gas leaks are a dangerous problem for homeowners. These leaks, which can occur from gas stoves, fireplaces and other gas-powered appliances, cause natural gas to build up inside your house, which can lead to serious and potentially deadly health problems. So it's important to know when you might have a gas leak. Here are a few of the...
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Posted on 08/20/2023
How to Prepare for a Power Outage
A power outage can happen anywhere. Even if you don't live in an area prone to extreme weather or natural disasters, it's crucial to know what to do if you lose power for an extended period. Here are some of the best ways to prepare for sheltering at home without power: Get an Emergency Weather Radio Emergency weather...
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Posted on 06/18/2023
Water: Quick home safety tips
Water in your home or yard can be a drowning risk. It can also cause other hazards, such as slippery floors or burns from scalding temperatures. Practicing water safety tips can help ensure your home is a safe environment. Clean up water spills right away Water spills from the tub or sink can make the floor in the...
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Posted on 08/07/2022
Home Safety: Quick Protocols That Could Save Your Household
Your home should be a safe place for everyone in your household. While you can do a lot to make this happen, such as removing tripping hazards or storing medication in a cabinet, everyone should learn certain procedures and protocols to improve home safety. Go over the following tips to help everyone stay informed and ready for whatever...
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